
dxreminders - small program for reminders.


New release 1.21.3

June 16th, 2024
  • Reenabled edit event name directly on List for wxGTK greater than 3.2.4.
  • wxSqlite3 updated.
See Downloads page

New release 1.21.2

May 14th, 2023

Polish and Russian translations was added
See Downloads page

New release 1.21.1

March 26th, 2023

This release introduces the following enhancements:

  • New recurrences: "Daily at given day(s)", "Monthly at last day of month", "Monthly at last business day of month".
  • New feature: Copy event by by right-click menu.
See Downloads page

New release 1.21.0

December 21th, 2022

This release introduces the following enhancements:

  • Notes was removed
  • New feature: Suspend event.
  • New feature: Copy event by toolbar button and ctrl-c/ctrl-v too.
  • New feature: Backup/import configuration.
  • New feature: Reminder off option.
  • ...
See Downloads page

New release 1.20.0

July 6th, 2021

This release introduces the following enhancements:

  • New look: Calendar and event list are possible in several combination: "Calendar above events list", "Calendar under events list", "Only events list" and "Only calendar".
  • New look: Optional colors for Calendar.
  • New look: Text control for note (optional show/hide).
  • New recurrences: "Monthly at business day", "Monthly at given business day", "Monthly at given day" and many others.
  • New feature: Dialog for enter public holidays.
  • New options: "Start application on login for reminders" only on *nix and windows. "Start application minimalized at tray" and "Hide tray icon".
  • New option: Encrypt/decrypt database.
  • New option: Show/hide columns at Events list.
  • New option: Date and time format.
  • New option: Filter for events list.
  • New option: Highlight event at list.
  • ...
If you use XFCE as your desktop environment, you can use new panel plugin.

See Downloads page

New release 1.10.1

March 23rd, 2015

Improvements in GUI.
For building used wxWidgets3
See Downloads page

New release 1.10.0

January 25th, 2014

Improvements mainly in building on Mac OS X.
See Downloads page

First public release

June 2nd, 2013

Today is time of first public release.
See Downloads page